20-09 Revise Helmet Rules (Appendix K)

PROPOSAL Revise some quirks that have come up in the Playing Condition - Helmets. Cut the exemption for losing the helmet against slow bowling.

REASON Last year it was new and not perfect. There's some grammar issues in the wording. A suggestion to remove the slow bowling exemption for batsmen has been made due to the confusion felt by some people.



The new mandatory helmet rules were introduced in 2019/20 for batsmen, close fielders and wicket-keepers. Generally the rules have met with acceptance from most players.

So far there I have heard two kinds of verbal feedback.

  • They're hot and restrict vision. I don't want to wear one when batting. ("Sorry, you are required to do so by the rules of this game.")
  • I forgot to bring/wear/make one out of a basket/(insert excuse here). ("Tough. Go get one. We'll wait but please hurry.")
I'm not going to address either of those issues here. The solutions to these are use soft balls or redesign the helmets so they're easier to wear. I can't make either of those changes by blogging about them here.

Helmet re-design is a MUST in my view. Visibility, ventilation for hot climates and sun safe rating are urgent issues in any country with hot weather. I'm surprised these issues aren't on the "cricket agenda" in Queensland. As with helmet compliance to the BS7928 standard, these issues must be addressed by players and clubs.

But it's off topic here.

Much less obvious problems include
  • Who's carrying the helmet when the slow bowler comes on? ("You could ask the Square Leg Umpire but I don't like your chances since he's already carrying three hats and a water bottle..." )
  • Also (usually from close in fielders) "I'm not standing closer than 7m from the bat". ("I think you are and I'm the umpire, not you.... helmet or take some steps back, please.")
  • An issue that came up precisely once (and for just for one over before stumps) was how to ensure an under 18yo wicket-keeper was keeping his 7m distance from the stumps when keeping without a helmet. Easy with two official umpires including a square leg umpire who can watch this.... But next to impossible with player square leg umpires (whose main response is "huh, what?")
  • One small suggestion received has been to remove the slow bowling exemption for batsmen. Many batsmen don't bother with this (and keep their helmet on).Then there's the complication of who carries the helmet(s) or the alternative hat(s) for the batsmen.

Anyway here's some revision ideas:  
Changes shown in red but additional changes in purple would need to be made if the slow bowling exemption was to be removed. All the purple changes are cuts.

In all Association competitions and training sessions the following regulations will apply:no change
Batting   PC B(This change (in purple) would need to be made if the slow bowling exemption was to be removed.)
PC B1 A batter must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet at all times when batting against fast or medium-paced bowling.PC B1 A batter must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet at all times when batting against fast or medium-paced bowling.
PC B2 The umpire(s) are the sole judge of whether bowling is fast or medium-paced and will judge the pace of bowling against what is considered “fast”, “medium-paced” or “slow” within the context of that particular match.PC B2 The umpire(s) are the sole judge of whether bowling is fast or medium-paced and will judge the pace of bowling against what is considered “fast”, “medium-paced” or “slow” within the context of that particular match.
PC B2.1 The wicketkeeper standing either up to, or back from the stumps must not be the deciding factor in this decision.
PC B2.1 The wicketkeeper standing either up to, or back from the stumps must not be the deciding factor in this decision.
PC B3 The umpire(s) are responsible for ensuring that a helmet is worn when required by clause PC B1 but are not responsible for ensuring that the helmet being worn by the batter is compliant with British Standard 7928:2013.(Consolidated with other rules) SEE BELOW
PC B4 The umpire(s) must not allow the match to continue during any period in which a batter fails to wear a helmet when required by this clause.(Consolidated with other rules) SEE BELOW

Wicketkeeping     PC Eno change
PC E1 At all times when wicket-keeping up to the stumps, the wicketkeeper must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet.PC E1 The wicket-keeper must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet at all times when wicket-keeping up to the stumps.
(rearranged to be more clear)
PC E2 The umpire(s) are responsible for ensuring that a helmet is worn when required by clause PC E1 but are not responsible for ensuring that the helmet being worn by the wicketkeeper is compliant with British Standard 7928:2013.(Consolidated with other rules) SEE BELOW
PC E3 The umpire(s) must not allow the match to continue during any period in which a wicketkeeper fails to wear a British Standard 7928:2013 helmet when required by clause PC E1.(Consolidated with other rules) SEE BELOW

Junior Wicketkeepers Playing in Senior Competitions  PC Gno change
PC G1 Any wicketkeeper who is eligible to play junior cricket (under 18) at all times when wicket-keeping within 7 metres metres of the stumps , must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet.PC G1 Any wicketkeeper who is eligible to play junior cricket (under 18) must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet at all times when wicket-keeping within 7 metres metres of the stumps.  (rearranged to be more clear)
PC G2 The umpire(s) are responsible for ensuring that a helmet is worn when required by clause PC G1 but are not responsible for ensuring that the helmet being worn by the wicketkeeper is compliant with British Standard 7928:2013.(Consolidated with other rules) SEE BELOW
PC G3 The umpire(s) are the sole judges of the distance from the stumps in this clause.no change
PC G4 The umpire(s) must not allow the match to continue during any period in which a wicketkeeper fails to wear a helmet when required by clause PC G1.(Consolidated with other rules) SEE BELOW

Fielding Inside arc from gully to leg gully    PC Lno change
PC L1 At all times when fielding in a position closer than 7 metres metres of the stumps from the batter’s position on the popping crease on a middle stump line, with the exception of any fielding position between the accepted position of off side gully to the accepted position of leg gully, must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet.PC L1 Any fielder must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 compliant helmet at all times when fielding in a position closer than 7 metres metres of the stumps from the batter’s position on the popping crease on a middle stump line, with the exception of any fielding position between the accepted position of off side gully to the accepted position of leg side gully. (rearranged to be more clear)
PC L2 The umpire(s) are responsible for ensuring that a helmet is worn when required by clause PCL1 but are not responsible for ensuring that the helmet being worn by the fielder is compliant with British Standard 7928:2013.(Consolidated with other rules) SEE BELOW
PC L3 The umpire(s) are the sole judges of the distance from the stumps in this clause.no change
PC L4 The umpire(s) must not allow the match to continue during any period in which a fielder fails to wear a helmet when required by this clause PCL1.(Consolidated with other rules) SEE BELOW
PC L5 The exchange of protective equipment between members of the fielding side on the field of play is permitted provided that the umpire(s) do not consider that it constitutes a waste of playing time.no change
Note: For the avoidance of doubt, any fielder within the prescribed distance regarded to be fielding wider than a standard “gully” or “leg gully” must wear a British Standard 7928:2013 helmet. But fielders fielding finer than gully or leg gully e.g. any slip or leg slip are not required to wear a British Standard 7928:2013 helmet.no change

Responsibility and Enforcementno change
E1 The match umpires will be responsible for ensuring that a helmet is worn when required but will not be responsible for ensuring that the helmet worn by any player is compliant with British Standard 7928:2013. E1 In a match with Association appointed umpires, the umpire(s) are responsible for ensuring that a helmet is worn when required by clauses PC B1, PC E1, PC G1 and PC L1 but are not responsible for ensuring that the helmet being worn by the batter, wicket-keeper or fielder is compliant with British Standard 7928:2013.
E2 In a match with Association appointed umpires, the umpires will not allow the match to continue during any period in which any batter, wicket keeper standing up to the stumps or fielder within the prescribed area fails to wear a helmet.E2 In a match with Association appointed umpires, the umpire(s) must not allow the match to continue during any period in which a batter, wicket-keeper or fielder fails to wear a helmet when required by clauses PC B1, PC E1, PC G1 and PC L1.
E3 In a match without Association appointed umpires, the captains of both batting and bowling teams are responsible for compliance with these clauses.no change
E4 The captains of both batting and bowling teams will not permit the match to continue during any period in which any batter, wicket-keeper standing up to the stumps or fielder within the prescribed area fails to wear a helmet.E4 In a match without Association appointed umpires, the captains of both batting and bowling teams will not permit the match to continue during any period in which any batter, wicket-keeper standing up to the stumps or fielder within the prescribed area fails to wear a helmet.
E5 If any player plays in a match in contravention of clauses in Appendix K the Management Committee may impose on that player's Club a penalty in accordance with Regulation 24.4 and 24.5.no change

For the avoidance of doubtno change
K1 Caught: A batter can be out caught where the ball rebounds or ricochets directly or indirectly off the helmet worn by any player.no change
K2 Run Out: A batter can be out run out where the ball rebounds or ricochets directly or indirectly onto the stumps off the helmet worn by a fielder.no change
K3 Stumped: A batter can be out stumped where the ball rebounds or ricochets directly or indirectly onto the stumps off the helmet worn by a wicketkeeper.no change
K4 Replacement helmets: Helmets should be replaced immediately in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations following a significant impact.no change
K5 7 metre distance: Research shows that the minimum distance for a fielder to react to a batter hitting the ball is 7 metres.no change

The numbering can be rationalised. (i.e. leave out the 'Nils' and number in sequence.)

The other idea I have included is to combine some of the repetitious clauses.
  • Such as PC B3, PC E2, PC G2, PC L2.
    • E1 nearly replaces each of these...
    • E1 In a match with Association appointed umpires, the umpire(s) are responsible for ensuring that a helmet is worn when required by clauses PC B1, PC E1, PC G1 and PC L1 but are not responsible for ensuring that the helmet being worn by the batter, wicket-keeper or fielder is compliant with British Standard 7928:2013.
  • Also PC B4, PC E3, PC G4, PC L4
    • E2 nearly replaces each of these...
    • E2 In a match with Association appointed umpires, the umpire(s) must not allow the match to continue during any period in which a batter, wicket-keeper or fielder fails to wear a helmet when required by clauses PC B1, PC E1, PC G1 and PC L1.
 The enforcement conditions could be renumbered as something else to avoid confusion with PC E Wicketkeeping conditions.
ABM, 15-Feb-2020

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